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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/31/2002 4:10:14 PM EDT
Hello all --

Two questions: First, are all ambi AR safeties created equal? I am left-eye dominant, and thus a southpaw rifleshot.
Is the one Bushmaster sells adequate, or is another brand better?

Does anyone here have one of those adapters that move the grip back an inch or so?

I have seen them in Brownell's, but I have not heard any feedback, good or bad.

All I know is that %@#% grip is tooooo close to the trigger for me to get a consistent squeeze. Also, do the adapters work with a Hogue grip?

Anyone have pics of this setup, by chance?

Thanks in advance for any advice on thess matters!


Link Posted: 12/31/2002 10:29:26 PM EDT
Give this a try:[url]http://www.bushmaster.com/shopping/buttstocks/arg-ambi.asp[/url] I have long fingers, and this is the only kind of grip I can use to get anything like decent trigger control. Add an ambidextrous selector, and you're set. The BM ambi selector is a quality piece, btw.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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