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Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 8/14/2007 5:19:58 PM EDT
OK, I saw all the current price posts... it seems M855 clusters around $400/case while XM855 around $300, ammoman always being the expensive exception.  Both are hard to find with most vendors "out of stock".

I found some M855 (thought it might be XM855) locally, 1,000 rounds of fairly new green-tipped Lake City stuff, what's a good price to offer in  private FTF sale?  $300? $350?

Is it possible to tell M855 and XM855 just by looking at the cases?  There is no box they came in.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:21:56 PM EDT

I found some M855 (thought it might be XM855) locally, 1,000 rounds of fairly new green-tipped Lake City stuff, what's a good price to offer in  private FTF sale?  $300? $350?

Offer $300 and be prepared to raise the offer until the seller accepts or you are no longer willing to buy.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:24:42 PM EDT
I offered $300 and the private party seller wants $400.... I am thinking how to proceed. I would  like to have it, but I don't need it that bad.  Now for $400 it seems I can get it anywhere, even from the ever-expensive ammoman.

The advantage is that this is a FTF engagement without shipping issues, although ammoman does include shipping in the price.
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 5:30:09 PM EDT
I sold two cases of Q3131A for $400 each, plus shipping.  $400 ftf is not that bad.  Lay 7 $50's in front of him and see if he blinks.  

Besides, you get to look at it before you buy.

Is it head stamped with LC or WW?  What year?
Link Posted: 8/14/2007 8:48:38 PM EDT
The stuff Ammoman is selling comes 'loose' packed. This ammo is almost certainly xm855pd quality (3rd tier) If you look at the pictures, you can even see that it says "for training use only" your choice whether or not to buy, but I would look elsewhere (in fact I did just that and got the last crate of m855 that somebody else had )

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 2:57:56 AM EDT
It's  LC 03, and I am almost certain it's xm855pd.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 4:00:14 AM EDT

It's  LC 03, and I am almost certain it's xm855pd.

Explain to him what XM855PD is and make appropriate offer.  If he declines, go elsewhere.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 12:24:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 2:56:14 PM EDT
Explain to him what XM855PD is and make appropriate offer

I know there is a thread on this floating somewhere, but what are the actual measureable differences between XM855PD and M855?  I don't get it.

Furthermore, looking at a XM855PD and a M855 round, is it even possible to tell the difference? Assuming both are LC.

Link Posted: 8/15/2007 3:49:41 PM EDT
PD means "pull down" which means for some reason somebody decided that there may be something wrong with the ammo.  Sometimes you will find some small dents, oversealed cases, ect.  But most of the time you can buy PD ammo and not find any difference between it and normal service ammo.
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 4:07:20 PM EDT
I thought I read somewhere someone pulling a bunch of xm855 and finding a couple of 55 grainers mixed in...anyone else catch that?
Link Posted: 8/15/2007 4:08:35 PM EDT
Pd does not mean "pulled down" it means "loose packed".  That info came right from ATK and has been discussed in several threads.  Most of the stuff was rejected for problems that do not affect function eg; bullet or primer seal problems etc.  I have shot several thousand round of pd and there is nothing wrong with it though I liked it a lot more when it was $199 a case.  When compared to the coveted xm855 in bandos, I found no real difference in accuracy or function.  Just price.  

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 12:57:27 AM EDT
I picked up a 2,000 round case of the PD 1 year ago at a gun show for $200.00 - it all looks great.
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 12:23:13 PM EDT

...most of the stuff was rejected for problems that do not affect function eg; bullet or primer seal problems etc.


That is only true for the XM_ not the _PD.
The PD marked ammo has failed QC due to more serious issues. Troy mentioned it in his article about ammunition shortages. You can read the entire article here. I quoted the relevant line: "...It is, in fact, QC rejects, and unlike previous boxed XM193, much of the "PD" ammo has problems more serious than just lack of sealant."

XM means loose packed QC rejected ammunition, that is true. As for PD and don't quote on this, but I believe I read here on the forums that one of the members contacted ATK and asked about PD. He was told it is Pulled Down ammo. It's ammunition which was in fact Pulled Down off the production line by QC. Again don't quote me on this until I find that post. He included a copy of the email he got back from ATK... I'll look for it now.

Link Posted: 8/16/2007 2:00:52 PM EDT
This is all very enligthening.

Problem is, the seller apparently does not have the original case it came in, and thus, doesn't really know if it's M855, XM855 or XM855PD.  

Without the case, it looks like there is no obvious way for me to ascertain what this stuff is I am buying.
Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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