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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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Posted: 5/9/2004 9:22:31 PM EDT

I can tell you my story now, you've all been cleared by special ops...

I'm a member of an elite squad... we call ourselves the Secret League of Armed Citizens Killing and Eradicating Rancid Zombies.


I've been assigned to scout out a known location of evil-doers and to develop a plan to suppress any potential zombie infestations... should they occur.

I hadn't gotten far before things turned strange and... I came across this...

Hmmm... very odd... but I can not be detoured... my mission comes first! I must proceed!

Now then, on to the very heart of darkness! Onward! To the evil complex itself!

... and soon, sweat dripping from my brow from the cruel Arizona sun, I was there.
Here is my recon shot...

After scouting out the area I determined that the complex, at least for now, was abandoned. I drew breath more easily now but my training triggered my mind to remember my mission and my mission was to develop a plan in case of Zombie infestation and, damn it, that's what I was going to do!

Quickly went about my task. I seized my official N.R.A. 100 yard tactical Zombie targets from my pack...

I then set up a tactical scenario involving tactical tactics as per my tactical training as a tactical tactics trainer in tactical tactics... along with a little old fashioned American know-how!

Soon the stage was set...

I then retreated to a tacticaly sound location and reviewed my plan over and over again untill it was etched into my mind just as my training in tactical tactics had trained me to do.

Here's the view from my point of tactical engagement...

Then, not unlike Mars, the very god of war, I rained my apocalypse on my unsuspecting foe! My trusted weapon acting in harmony with my very thoughts!!!

The first to fall was the one farthest from me. He was not of the undead like the others but was in fact an evil-doer working in concert wit them! (Tactically it was the right choice to off him first.  Zombies are kinda dumb and don't sound alarms or scream and all that stuff like evil-doers do... )
Here are his wounds...

Next to fall were the Zombies themselves but they would not fall so easily as the evil-doer had to simple volley of copper and lead, no, zombies required special treatment if they are to fall, they were in need of headshots!
I took careful aim and... BAM! Zombie one was hit!

Then the next... BAM! Zombie two!

And then Zombie three! BAM!

As soon as it had started it was over...

I walked down to check the targets. I had done well, my plan had worked and if need be it would work again... if need be...

..but then again my mind plagued me. There was that one shot that was... less than tactical... the shot at Zombie #1.

I reassured my self as I walked away into the desert... yes, it was less than a perfect shot but hey... he would have had one heck of a time trying to chew somebody's brains out after taking a hit like that!

Link Posted: 5/9/2004 10:52:48 PM EDT
Note to self: move to Arizona
Link Posted: 5/9/2004 11:09:48 PM EDT
Awsome spot you found there!

The shooting ranges get boring after a while dont they?
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 1:20:07 AM EDT
Moral of the story.  Stay out of the hot sun.  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 3:58:12 AM EDT

Moral of the story.  Stay out of the hot sun.  

Sure, while you sit comfortably in your air conditioned house,
he's out there keeping us safe from the hordes of brain eaters!
Keep up the good work Reload.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:09:13 AM EDT
Nice story and pics!  I gotta find me a place like that!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:50:03 AM EDT
that was great...i feel much safer now......
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:33:23 AM EDT
Looks like lots of fun. One question: Is it wise to use concrete walls to hang your targets on? Ya never know when one might bounce back and hit ya....
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 7:45:39 AM EDT
That was badazz, a way to make shooting fun and teach yourself some tactics too. We are stuck with indoor ranges here and it blows monkey nutts. Be appreciative of what you have, the land to shoot at will.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 8:07:07 AM EDT
Good story man.  Tactical tactics training...

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:45:46 AM EDT

damn i'm envoius of some of you guys.

if you have a firearm anywhere that's not a public range here, rest assured you will most likely be going to prison.

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 9:47:03 AM EDT
Cool idea,
Besides it Being a vacant "Zombie Camp" do you happen to know what else this site may have been at one time.

Link Posted: 5/10/2004 10:31:47 AM EDT
Sounds like someone has a bit too much time on their hands ....  
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 4:49:29 PM EDT
Glad to know someone is keeping the uninhabitited deserts safe......
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:26:24 PM EDT
Is this a repost of the original story with enhancements? Or did you go fight the zombies again?

"Tactical bullet penetration area location" LOL!!!!!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 5:44:26 PM EDT
Great story, great pics, and tactful tactics.
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 6:04:05 PM EDT
Keep 'em coming!!  I love a good story, but you need to throw in some magdumps!
Link Posted: 5/10/2004 6:31:59 PM EDT

Is this a repost of the original story with enhancements? Or did you go fight the zombies again?

Well I'll be danged! Someone's actually paying attention to all this hooey! (note to self: Gold star for Mr. SNorman)

The answer sir is no, this account is of my latest visit and is not a re-hash of past events.

Not one to rest on my laurels (mostly cause I'm not sure what a "Laurel" is or where to even find one) I have served up yet another enchanting bowl of visual gruel for your on-line enjoyment.

And as for the comment about concrete walls bouncing back to hit me... good God man, I'm one hundred fricken yards away for cryin' out loud! If one of them walls are bouncin' back that far we're all in deep doo-doo 'cause someone's invented "tactical reactive concrete" and lined the walls of this potential zombie dispersal site with it!

Hmmm... do you know something I don't? ... must keep an eye on this one...

Any way...

I'm havin' fun... my AR is shootin' nice... life is good...

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 11:13:12 AM EDT
Where is this place? Looks like I need to head out that way in my tactical rig. And do some recon for myself. Wouldn't want any zombies getting to close to town now would we?

My "Tactical Zombie Cranium Penetration Unit" mounted for quick access!

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 2:48:18 PM EDT
So is that a range or just desert?

Is it that easy in AZ - just go out in the desert and blast away?  If so, I need to move the AZ!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:12:05 PM EDT
It's part of an old Nike missile silo complex.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:20:41 PM EDT
I want one of those places to shoot at!

Ship one to Me NOW!
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 3:33:04 PM EDT
I think the word "tactical" went to your head when you bought your rifle didn't it? LOL, I've never seen the word "tactical" so much...

Out here in Maine, I've set up similar courses for myself in the middle of the woods, my "woodland zombie invasion tactical training grounds" if you will....HAHA
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 4:31:14 PM EDT
it would be nice if I had such a tacticaly correct place to shoot tactful at tactical targets tactfully till I totally tired.

Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:33:35 PM EDT

So is that a range or just desert?

Is it that easy in AZ - just go out in the desert and blast away?  

Yup, it's that easy...

...in UT too.
Link Posted: 5/11/2004 5:43:02 PM EDT

It's part of an old Nike missile silo complex.

There is an old Nike site near where I live, but they turned it into FEMA Region 10 Headquarters.  I think they would disapprove of my attacking it.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:16:28 AM EDT


damn i'm envoius of some of you guys.

if you have a firearm anywhere that's not a public range here, rest assured you will most likely be going to prison.

Hmm around here if Im out in the west desert and I see someone else wandering that ISNT packing a rifle.... now THAT raises red flags. Git dangit! I bet they were ZRSs (Zombie Recon Scouts)!!
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:20:46 AM EDT
Cool pics and with the desert background I would change it from Zombies to something else

Know what I mean?
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 11:24:12 AM EDT

That's some good shit Reload!  I got to go shooting with you sometime.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 11:24:34 AM EDT

There is an old Nike site near where I live, but they turned it into FEMA Region 10 Headquarters.  I think they would disapprove of my attacking it.

But you'll never really know until you try, now will you?  That place could be just FULL of zombies!
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 11:32:40 AM EDT

Sounds like someone has a bit too much time on their hands ....  

I was thinking the same thing.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 12:48:22 PM EDT
I like to shoot at that location as well.

Great pics
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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