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Page AR-15 » AR-15 / M-16 Retro Forum
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 10/29/2006 12:39:52 PM EDT
Check it out just a little way down the page.

M16 upper

Link Posted: 10/29/2006 2:20:48 PM EDT
I looked through their products and found some more interesting items!

Bolt Carrier, AR-15, "Slick Side," no forward assist serrations, USGI Contractor, Stripped
Hard Chrome Plated $79.95

Slick Side Bolt Carrier Group, Complete, Includes Bolt, Complete $149.95

Flash Suppressor, 3 Prong $7.95

Flash Suppressor, A1 $6.95

Too bad the A1 uppers are black and not gray.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 6:22:37 PM EDT
I saw those slick sided bolts too. Just what I need for my SP1 upper. Mmm!
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 8:01:53 PM EDT
Guys these have been discussed before here and a couple of other places on the net as well. In fact I own one I have not even seen and according to every one I have talked to or postings I have read from people who own them. They are not MIL SPEC in the CH slot.  They are DPMS manufacture and were made tight in the CH Slot  , the only handles that seem to work reliably are the DPMS handles. Having said that I have heard of no other complaints. In fact the person who sold me mine stated as much that GI handles seem to rub in them. Just and FYI before you buy.
Link Posted: 10/29/2006 10:35:05 PM EDT

Guys these have been discussed before here and a couple of other places on the net as well. In fact I own one I have not even seen and according to every one I have talked to or postings I have read from people who own them. They are not MIL SPEC in the CH slot.  They are DPMS manufacture and were made tight in the CH Slot  , the only handles that seem to work reliably are the DPMS handles. Having said that I have heard of no other complaints. In fact the person who sold me mine stated as much that GI handles seem to rub in them. Just and FYI before you buy.

Sharpie is absolutely correct.  If you order one of these make sure you order a matching CH and specify that you want it PRE installed to insure fit.

Fulton will be happy to do it for you.  I had to do this on TWO of my projects when I sent back my first set of Uppers.  I am still pretty pissed off about it BUT there is a shiney side....the rest of the dimensions are spot on and the fit and finish of everthing else is excellent.

Link Posted: 10/30/2006 3:17:31 AM EDT
I bought one of those from Fulton close to 2 years ago.  My Colt CH would not even go into it at all!  I called Fulton and talked to the owner and he siad he never heard of such a thing!  He did say I could send it back and they will send me a different one.  I ended up modifying the CH a little so it would fit in.  Since then it has worked flawlessly.

I would recommend the upper, but get the CH from Fulton as well and have them check to make sure it fits.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 5:09:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 6:36:03 AM EDT
I remember hearing about the DPMS uppers with the out of spec CH slot, but I thought it was a C7 upper that had the problem not the slick side?
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 9:06:35 AM EDT
I purchased a slickslide upper 8 months ago made by Fulton. Got it for 95 dollars complete w/ port door and sight assembly from a fellow who decided not to use it after purchasing it. As discussed above, my Bushy charging handle would not fit, but my RRA handle out of my 9mm upper receiver does work. I installed a Colt 9mm A1 sight and plan to use it for a 9mm Colt clone in the near future.
Link Posted: 10/30/2006 1:42:59 PM EDT
Re the chrome slick side carriers, these are also DPMS, and generally speaking they are loaded with tool marks and gouges. Got one on a swap deal a couple of years back and it was so messy looking I got rid of it within a month. I've seen at least three other posts from people who reported the same results with these carriers.

So be advised
Page AR-15 » AR-15 / M-16 Retro Forum
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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