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Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 10/6/2005 4:11:51 PM EDT
Ok my upper seem like the bolt is binding up on the hammer cause when i hold the trigger down and charge the bolt it dosent get stuck anymore? The bolt seems to stick kinda when u let it close slow. What does this mean? Also im not sure either but im thinking of doing the extractor spring also thinking this could be part of the shells not kicking out 2?  thanks much ditty
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 4:29:37 PM EDT
I think we need a little clarity here.

What exactly is happening when you fire your AR?

Describe as specifically as you can the malfunction you are experiencing.


any other symptoms?
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 4:45:42 PM EDT

I think we need a little clarity here.

What exactly is happening when you fire your AR?

Describe as specifically as you can the malfunction you are experiencing.


any other symptoms?

Well i havent been shooting the rifle in almost a year  so i kinda forgot exactly. Most of the time i think the shell would not eject and a new round would be smashed into the chamber area. Its jaming a good 85% of the time. Iv had 3 uppers and the same lower now for the last 6 years and the first upper a 20hbar worked just fine ,but the last 2 a dpms sweet16 and my current one a dpms m4 upper dont work for crap. Iv tried other mags and ammo, cleaning and so on. I will be out to shoot the gun this weekend for the first time in a year and ill know more then. Iv also tightened the carrier key down to see if that helps 2. ditti
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 6:43:51 PM EDT
Lets start off with cleaning and lubing the rifle.

First item during cleaning is the bore. It needs to be cleaned with a Copper solvent. But, once the bore is clean, the solvent needs to be total flushed from the rifle.  For cleaning and lubing the rest of the rifle, only CLP should be used. A good civilian source for CLP is BreakfreeCLP in the big spray can.  So if you have been using standard gun oil like Hoppes, you need to flush it out the rifle, and re-lube correctly (use CLP to flush). Also, since the rifle has sat for a year, shoot a shot of CLP down the gas tube to breakup any thing that may have hardened when it was in storage.

Next the spent case left in the chamber,
Chances are it is from copper solvent left in the chamber, but lets not screw around and get you running for this weekend.  When you’re shopping for CLP, stop by a local hardware store and pick up a few #60 “O” rings (plumbing supplies).  You only need one, but they can get lost on the way home, and at $.10 each, you can splurge and buy a few.  When you have the extractor off during cleaning, put one #60 O ring around the outside of the extractor spring and put the extractor back in the bolt.  The O-ring will add tension to the extractor and make sure it pulls the spent case out of the chamber during cycle.

Last problem you stated is the carrier binding up on the way forward.  
This has nothing to do with the spent case not being extracted. But, since you bring it up, we may as well attack the problem. The condition is either the hammer tail wedging against the disconnector (will be a line/dent just behind the disco hook), or the hammer is binding on firing pin collar as the carrier moves back forward (The FP collar will be edge mauled).  If it’s the hammer tail, you need to take .040 off the hammer tail to solve the wedging problem.  If it’s the hammer catching the FP collar, you need to break the top edge of the hammer to allow it to glide past the FP collar.

This should solve the problem that you have listed on the rifle. As for personal problems such as hemorrhoids, you have to seek the answers for them over in the Women’s forum.

Welcome to the site!!!
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 9:46:31 PM EDT
Thank you very much my friend! Iv alredy been using the clp oil now i just have to hit the store for those o-rings and give that a try. U kinda lost me with the last part about the hammer an disco. Im dont seen any marks on the hammer tail or disco. Im not really sure what ur talking about when u say break the top edge of the hammer? Again thank you guys
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 10:32:04 PM EDT
Tweak has a photo in regards the edge that you need to round over on the hammer to prevent the binding.  Give him a chance to log on (he, like me, seems to room here late night) and I'm sure that he can post it for you.
Link Posted: 10/6/2005 10:40:39 PM EDT
sounds good! Btw what would be a good  m4 stock to buy?
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 8:27:57 AM EDT
I dug this up from the FAQ's which you should have read before posting,

Damage to firing pin retaining pin
Bolt carrier "catching" or "hanging up"

When used with slotted bolt carriers, hooked hammers can catch the underside of the firing pin, especially if the firing pin has a larger spool on it like those intended for the M16. The hammer will force the pin rearward against the firing pin retaining pin during the battery stroke. With repetition, this will bend the firing pin retaining pin. Sometimes the firing pin retaining pin is a simple, non-hardened, cotter pin. Some of these bend rather quickly. If you hold the trigger to the rear while working the bolt back and forth with the charging handle and the catch disappears you probably have an issue between the hammer and the firing pin. The best fix is to use a shrouded bolt carrier. You can also round the hook on the hammer to prevent it from snagging on the firing pin spool. A short trigger can also cause this by allowing the hammer to sit up too high when cocked.
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 9:45:08 AM EDT

I dug this up from the FAQ's which you should have read before posting,

Damage to firing pin retaining pin
Bolt carrier "catching" or "hanging up"

When used with slotted bolt carriers, hooked hammers can catch the underside of the firing pin, especially if the firing pin has a larger spool on it like those intended for the M16. The hammer will force the pin rearward against the firing pin retaining pin during the battery stroke. With repetition, this will bend the firing pin retaining pin. Sometimes the firing pin retaining pin is a simple, non-hardened, cotter pin. Some of these bend rather quickly. If you hold the trigger to the rear while working the bolt back and forth with the charging handle and the catch disappears you probably have an issue between the hammer and the firing pin. The best fix is to use a shrouded bolt carrier. You can also round the hook on the hammer to prevent it from snagging on the firing pin spool. A short trigger can also cause this by allowing the hammer to sit up too high when cocked.

Ok so what one of these things should i try? What part of the hammer am i grinding off? sry if im being a pest. thanks again ditty
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 1:19:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/7/2005 5:01:33 PM EDT
You know whoring around if Vegas just leads to trouble.
“What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” only applies if a big shot of penicillin will resolve the problem.

Link Posted: 10/7/2005 10:32:23 PM EDT
so u want me to grind a 90deg section from the face of the hammer? looks easy  ,do i have to finish it and make it really smooth?  ditti
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 5:20:53 AM EDT
Hammer is case harden, and Smooth is good.

Also, don't go buck wild, you just want to break the edge (read rounded the surfaceedge , with Tweaks photo a little over the top in the amount of metal you need to take off).

As for the amount to round, round it out a bit, then test the hammer out to see of it still catches the FP collar.

P.S. aren't you suposed to be out shooting!!!!
Link Posted: 10/8/2005 9:17:44 PM EDT
ok i just took out that chunk of metal on the hammer and its not  binding anymore So tomorrow ill see if that did the trick along with the o-ring deal! thanks again
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 8:17:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/10/2005 12:01:38 PM EDT
Tweak, Got to love it hiring/recruiting.  

Had one my guys take a company truck onto a federal installation to drop off a few items (was employed with the company already, so I wasn’t the one how hired him on).  Truck has a Fed pass, and he gets checked/stopped for not wearing his badge (off loading threw security).  He doesn’t have a badge so I get a phone call from the marshals that I need to come get him and take him down to get his FBI background check and get him badge’d. Rocket boy doesn’t say a word, and fills out the forms in the FBI background check office.  Agent goes to the back room to enter his information, then comes back out beyond pissed and demands to know what the hell he is doing out of prison (note: I'm looking for a rock to craw under).   Turn out the guys was an illegal alien using someone else’s information, and lucked out that the FBI didn’t turn him over to immigration.

Trust me, I was ready to kill on that one, and shit rolled up hill really fast  since I wasn’t the only one that got bitch out by Feds.
Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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