Lets start off with cleaning and lubing the rifle.
First item during cleaning is the bore. It needs to be cleaned with a Copper solvent. But, once the bore is clean, the solvent needs to be total flushed from the rifle. For cleaning and lubing the rest of the rifle, only CLP should be used. A good civilian source for CLP is BreakfreeCLP in the big spray can. So if you have been using standard gun oil like Hoppes, you need to flush it out the rifle, and re-lube correctly (use CLP to flush). Also, since the rifle has sat for a year, shoot a shot of CLP down the gas tube to breakup any thing that may have hardened when it was in storage.
Next the spent case left in the chamber,
Chances are it is from copper solvent left in the chamber, but lets not screw around and get you running for this weekend. When you’re shopping for CLP, stop by a local hardware store and pick up a few #60 “O” rings (plumbing supplies). You only need one, but they can get lost on the way home, and at $.10 each, you can splurge and buy a few. When you have the extractor off during cleaning, put one #60 O ring around the outside of the extractor spring and put the extractor back in the bolt. The O-ring will add tension to the extractor and make sure it pulls the spent case out of the chamber during cycle.
Last problem you stated is the carrier binding up on the way forward.
This has nothing to do with the spent case not being extracted. But, since you bring it up, we may as well attack the problem. The condition is either the hammer tail wedging against the disconnector (will be a line/dent just behind the disco hook), or the hammer is binding on firing pin collar as the carrier moves back forward (The FP collar will be edge mauled). If it’s the hammer tail, you need to take .040 off the hammer tail to solve the wedging problem. If it’s the hammer catching the FP collar, you need to break the top edge of the hammer to allow it to glide past the FP collar.
This should solve the problem that you have listed on the rifle. As for personal problems such as hemorrhoids, you have to seek the answers for them over in the Women’s forum.
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