I am debating on whether to include an A3 or an A2 upper on my Dissipator project. My intention is to eventually have an Eotech perched somewhere. I have seen pics of AR's with the Eotech placed far upfront on a rail while others occupy the detachable carry handle's real estate of an A3 Flat top. I would like my carbine project to include the standard A2 front sight base
Would you fine folks please chime in as to the features and benefits of having the Eotech placed further up front
I like the idea of having a fixed carry handle providing "back up" sights to the red dot. If I put the reticle infront of the carry handle what will the sight picture look like
Will it co witness with the front and rear sight perfectly? Does the sight need to be raised? Will a carry handle mounted rail be sufficient to support the Eotech or should I plan on using something like a KAC RAS?
If the unit is mounted just in front of the carry handle will it be a bitch
to operate the controls on the Eotech? Your input in addition to any pics of your existing setups would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,