How is a double-barreled shotgun not a "machine gun"?
One of two different ways. the older ones ive seen have 2 triggers. Or the newer ones have 1 trigger. Both of these are not considered machinguns because it would still only be 1 shot for 1 trigger pull.
The rifle on the other hand is firing 2 shots per 1 trigger pull, by definition of the ATF is full auto
Still one shot. Two projectiles...
A single barrel shotgun will shoot one shot multiple projectiles also.
Rapid succession? Only manually. Not a machine gun. It might seem like it, but if a hammer falls only once, and you have to pull the trigger to make it fall agian, then it's not a machine gun per ATF.
The term machine gun only has to do with the FCG, not how many load/charges fire simultaneously per one pull of the trigger.