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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/9/2003 7:40:42 AM EDT
Does it hurt AR's to store them in a Foam Lined Case?
I have one of mine stored in a Egg Crate foam lined assualt case?
I just read a post that someone said not to store in Foam lined cases like Pelican ETC?
Just for transport?
Does the Foam eat the Finish?
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 7:43:39 AM EDT
Foam absorbs moisture. Moisture=rust
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 7:43:49 AM EDT
From all that I have read, and from all of the discussions about this...The answer would have to be Yes. Unless you take the item out on a regular basis for maintenance...Say maybe once a week.


Link Posted: 5/9/2003 8:46:20 AM EDT
Depends on how humid the area you live in is. You being from FL, I suppose it is humid to say the least. If you're near the coast, it's probably a bit salty as well. Regular upkeep is a good idea, regardless of where you store it. Open-cell foam is what everyone is concerned about. Closed-cell foam is preferable. However, if you do store them in a case with open-cell foam (or even closed-cell for that matter), put a couple of small silica gel packs in with it. They're about $5 ea. at Cabela's, but I'm sure they're available elsewhere. They can be "recharged" in the oven when they get saturated. Be sure to get a case that will seal up air tight though (Pelican, Browning, etc.).
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 9:01:13 AM EDT
My grandfather had a pair of lever actions that i inherited. He had kept them in foam lined cases, which had been tucked away untouched in the closet for at least 15 years.

There was a SMALL spot of rust beginning to form on the metal, which i quickly attacked and saved the rifle.

They're in better storage now, but my experience is the effects, while true, take quite a while to show. Yes, i live on the coast.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 9:20:43 AM EDT
Wether hard or soft, most of my stuff when not on the wall rack or in my hand has been in contact with foam. I live 20 miles from the coast, on the border with Maine and I have never had any problem as long as I oiled or greased the rifle prior to putting it asleep. The only instance I had of rusting was when the roof leaked and turned my fathers pristine 1938 manufactured colt 1911 (marked U.S. Army Property) into a pitted, brown pile of inoperable shit. My grandfather's Remington 742 sat in the closet on the old farm in a soft case for 8 years after his passing before i got it. The farm was empty through the winters (so it got cold in there, with a lot of temperature and humidity changes) It was lightly oiled with god knows what before storage, and looked just as new when I took it out as it did when he bought it 6 months before his death. Point is, I wouldn't worry about it guys, although I do have dessicant packe in it, and spray the inside of the case lightly with rem-oil to keep moisture away.

Even my wife has an AR [X]
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 9:27:14 AM EDT
They can cause your gun to rust if the atmosphere is humid in your area, and you plan to store for a long time. I have a 12ga shotgun rust up on me a bit from a foam case.
Link Posted: 5/9/2003 1:10:31 PM EDT
I'm in the military here in Korea, and I have to keep my two AR's in our unit Arms Room.  

I keep them, along with seven other weapons (Mini-14, Remington 870, Glock 27, Colt & SA .45's, H&K USPC, Ruger MKII), in the cheap, black, foam-lined cases.

I take the AR's out about once a month, and the others I've only cursory checked on occasion.  I keep the exteriors lightly lubed, along with the bores.

No problems with rust, even with the bare metal on one of my .45's.  There is no humidity control in this room.

One time there was surface rust on the bolt handle of the Mini-14, where your finger contacts it to pull the bolt back.  

Luckily I was just able to wipe this off.

Link Posted: 5/9/2003 2:25:38 PM EDT
they also make 'socks' that are silica treated i think.  i just got one from a guy on a trade and that's what he told me about it.  i keep my cheap black foam case open under my bed with stuff laying in it.  no ill effects so far.  i take my weapons out frequently though.  i'd try and find one of those socks and maybe some silica packets just to ease your mind and try not to worry about it too much.  hell, i used to clean my barrels after every shoot session!  heheh.  then i stopped worrying and nothing bad happened.  (chrome lined of course)
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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