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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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Posted: 10/26/2010 5:52:00 PM EDT
I wanted a Centurion Arms 12.5" CHF in midweight profile, but they only offer a Gov't profile, so I am researching other options. If I have to get a Gov't profile barrel, I'm not going to pay $325 for it. I just don't see the point when I can get a DD CHF in Gov't for $250. Does the DD CHF barrel even make a pimple on a Centurion barrel's @$$? I want a good barrel and I am willing to pay for it if it is exactly the profile that I want. Otherwise, I'm not paying top dollar for something I don't want. I already did that once with a Noveske Crusader and I really didn't want a stainless barrel, but liked the profile. It looks like the only way I will get a 12.5" CHF barrel in midweight will be to buy a 14.5" N4 for $410 from Rainer and have it cut and recrowned. It is at least 'semi-ridiculous'....

Is the DD good for a $250 barrel or is there something else out there in that range that is better?
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 7:36:19 PM EDT
DD makes a good barrel.The N4 I think has thicker chromelining and is if im not mistaken the same steel and spec for lining as an M249 barrel.If money were no object I would get the N4 but the DD shoild serve you well.
Link Posted: 10/26/2010 7:59:12 PM EDT
DD makes very good barrels and you get the CHF feature as well.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 4:02:46 AM EDT
DD makes a good barrel.The N4 I think has thicker chromelining and is if im not mistaken the same steel and spec for lining as an M249 barrel.If money were no object I would get the N4 but the DD shoild serve you well.

For now, I think I will just get the DD for the wife and wait to get myself another barrel until I feel like dropping $500 on a shortened N4.

Centurion has no plan to produce a 12.5" midweight CHF barrel at this time or in the near future. That is semi-heartbreaking news to me I'm sure there are others out there that would love to pay $325+ for one of those.

Link Posted: 10/27/2010 4:04:38 AM EDT
DD makes very good barrels and you get the CHF feature as well.

+ for CHF

Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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