Interesting. Mine has a raised fence, and No "Colt" stamped into the receiver block. I believe the OEM Bayo lug was ground off. I modified the rifle to accept an internal, DCM-acceptable tube which had a sling swivel. I have since bought an appropriate bayo-lugged FSB in case I chose to return it to (near) OEM condition.
Given appropriate ammo, and assuming the user does his part, it is a very accurate rifle.
The reason for the internal tube was that if one took a tight sling, one would definitely bend the HBAR barrel. The tube, internal to the plastic handguards, eliminated this problem, and also added forward weight to the rifle, which most target-shooters prefer.
The smart user might want to investigate so-called gooseneck mounts which attach to the carry handle, and provide a ow-mounted rail forward of the carry handle. Your choice of optics, given that almost ideal mounting (and co-witnessing) position is up to you.
I believe ARMS still offers such a mount, and it is well-made.
Even the cheap Chinese carry-handle scopes can be surprisingly effective, although not lifetime reliable. I have one, and it still shoots to POA after all these years. Even if it fails, it's still a decent monocular spotting scope. Extra points if the reticle is illuminated.