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Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 4/27/2003 10:39:38 AM EDT
I have picked up a Colt SP-1 CAR (ser 117xxx) that is "ANIB"

When fired, it pops off 2 or 3 rounds with one pull of the trigger. I had a local "smith" replace the hammer, but still does the same thing.

Any help would be greatly appreicated, as my local "smith" has no other sugestions.

Like i said, it appears to be "ANIB"
Link Posted: 4/27/2003 4:15:53 PM EDT

Your post will draw a variety of reponses but before you attempt to "fix" anything try this first. Make sure the weapon is clean and lubricated. Pay specific attention to the firing pin, bolt and carrier. Make sure the firing pin moves freely in the bolt. Also make sure the fire control group is clean, lubricated and moves freely.

Then do a function test. Just in case you are not familiar with the procedure it is as follows:

With the weapon "UNLOADED" and with no magazine in place, pull the charging handle fully to the rear and release it. Flip the safety switch to the "SAFE" position (with its lever horizontal), and pull backwards on the trigger. The hammer should not fall. Flip the safety switch to the "FIRE" position (with the lever vertical), and pull backwards on the trigger. This should release the hammer and allow it to fall. Keep the trigger pulled back all the way to the rear and again, pull the charging handle fully to the rear and release it. With the bolt now closed, release the trigger and you should hear a slight "click" as the disconnector releases the hammer and allows the trigger sear to catch the hammer notch. The hammer should not however, fall all the way to the fired position. Now, pull the trigger again and the hammer should be released and should fall to the fired position.

Report back with the results of the function test and I am sure you will get the help you need.

Link Posted: 4/28/2003 8:52:39 AM EDT

thanks for you advice. the rifle is clean and well lubricated.

The function test is another matter.

With the trigger held back and the bolt released it "fires" when the trigger is released. No "slight click" when the trigger is released as it falls to the fire position.

What next?

Thanks for your help!!!!!!
Link Posted: 4/28/2003 9:33:28 AM EDT
If the hammer is falling as you allow the trigger to reset (move forward) than you most probably have a problem with the secondary sear system (interface between the hammer and disconnector). The disconnector engages the hammer as the bolt travels reward with the trigger depressed. As you allow the trigger to reset (move forward) the disconnector releases the hammer as the primary sear engages (interface between the hammer and trigger). The problem you describe is often the result of improper "timing" where the disconnector releases prior to primary sear engagement. This problem may often be corrected with a small bit of work with a file but I a hesitant to recomend that anyone not completly familiar with the fcg undertake this option. I would suggest you consult the following link:


Make sure the fcg is properly installed. If the
problem still persists I would recomend you install a new fcg. Stock replacements sets are fairly cheap and you may also consider installing a 2 stage or other improved trigger system. Once you have the weapon functining, use the old fcg to experiment with and developing your smithing skills.

Also, before I am slammed by anyone, I know a lot of people are perfectly comfortable making sear engagement and timing adjustments but I am not comfortable trying to talk a new ar owner through the process in this type of forum.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 7:19:20 AM EDT

Waltherman, these suggestions from dws are right on track. A truly ANIB genuine Colt shouldn't give any problems like this, so it might be helpful for someone on the board to look at the rife to see if something is installed incorrectly or if some parts have been changed. If you want to try that, let us know where you are located and maybe someone can help in person before you begin replacing parts. If not, it looks like some new parts are in order, and if you're close to Atlanta, there is a gun show at Norcross next weekend and there is a guy there who sells real Colt parts.

Good luck.

Link Posted: 5/10/2003 8:50:53 AM EDT
Check if disconnector spring is missing.
Link Posted: 5/10/2003 11:37:06 AM EDT
The disconector spring is wider on the bottom but difficult to install that way.  Make sure the wide end is toward the trigger.  

If that's not the case, replace the disconector.
Link Posted: 5/11/2003 9:39:00 AM EDT

Who can I show it to in Norcross next week end?
Will you be there?
I can be there first thing on Sat morning.

Many thanks for your advice and interest.
Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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