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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/12/2004 9:28:26 AM EDT
I really like the looks of this carbine and my dealer will order one for me at dealer's cost + 10%. Anyone know who the distributors are and the cost?
If the AWB expires I was wondering if the fixed stock could be converted back to a collapsing type stock and the muzzle brake removed without too much trouble? Maybe Colt will make these changes if the law changes but we'll have to wait and see.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 9:35:29 AM EDT
I've noticed new Colt M6400C's selling for anywhere between $899 and $1,050.  The stock will take fifteen  minutes to change out after the ban sunsets and any good gunsmith will be able to remove the original  brake and thread/install a  new brake of your choice.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 10:24:03 AM EDT
Colt MT6400C how much?

Your soul  

Edited to Add:  Go to this thread, if you dare, to find out where you can buy just the Colt M4 lower.  This way you would have the lower and could wait to see what happens in September before you decided to put an upper and stock on it.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 12:56:47 PM EDT
I personally consider anything under $950 to be a good deal.
Link Posted: 5/12/2004 1:45:30 PM EDT
Shoot these guys a email.
Liz will send you the phone number to the store.
See if you can work a side deal.


I have bought 3 MT6700's from him each one for $842.00 shipped to my dealer down here in NC.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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