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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/8/2004 6:54:16 PM EDT
I would like to know if the Bushy Carbon15 pistol is a reliable firearm? Any issues with this pistol? whats the difference between the Type 21 & Type97 Carbon15 pistols? Thanks- great site!
Link Posted: 5/8/2004 8:25:29 PM EDT
I'd like to know myself, I'm kind of interested in one but don't know or have seen anyone with one. Anybody out there who knows something?
Link Posted: 5/8/2004 8:42:06 PM EDT
I had one it was ok not 100% reliable  maybe 80%. It made alot of difference on how you held it as weather or not it was going to stove pipe when it ejected the spent round.  It is very loud and had alot of muzzle blast. I saw one time in a magazine where they talked about it for an entry gun for a swat team, mine was not reliable enough for that and it was to  hard to shoot any distance at all. I think the difference between the type 97 and type 21 was fluting on the barrel and a chrome bolt I think.

Fun to shoot, but I couldn't find a practical reason to have it other than the fun factor. Sometimes thats enough sometimes not. Traded mine in on an AR-10
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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