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Page AR-15 » AR-15 / M-16 Retro Forum
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 6/19/2011 5:30:15 AM EDT
looks a lot  like a silencer to me.....[http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=236489669
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 5:46:56 AM EDT
I can't tell you anything about the flash suppressor, but the upper half of that isn't SP1, obviously. It actually has an XM16E1 chrome BCG, though.
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 6:14:50 AM EDT
If the barrel on that is less than 16 inches, that pin isn't going to cut it with the ATF.
And the pin looks like it is overly close to the bore.
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 6:42:22 AM EDT
looks a lot  like a silencer to me.....[http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem.aspx?Item=236489669

Gun is a Mutt. The flash hider is from the late 70's to about 1983. I had two or three, wish I still had one. $10 says the barrel is 16 inches. The upper is not colt. Looks to be a surplus H&R as found on the old Sendra rifles that looked like that.
$600 rifle tops.
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 7:06:00 AM EDT
+1  Nesard and Sarco used to sell those suppressors "back in the day" Saw barrels like that a lot at gunshows in the 80s.  The stock appears to be aftermarket.  If it is aluminum, it's not Colt, if it is polymer, it's not Colt. The bolt carrier group and the Colt lower.
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 2:43:18 PM EDT
Definitely a mutt,and that lower was originally on a rifle.To low a SN for an SP1 carbine
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 4:49:13 PM EDT
$600 rifle tops.

It's worth a little more than that.
Link Posted: 6/19/2011 7:33:46 PM EDT
If the barrel on that is less than 16 inches, that pin isn't going to cut it with the ATF.
And the pin looks like it is overly close to the bore.

A blind pin used to be all that was needed to be legal.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 9:25:07 AM EDT
I can't tell you anything about the flash suppressor, but the upper half of that isn't SP1, obviously. It actually has an XM16E1 chrome BCG, though.

Believe it or not, there were actually a few SP1's built with FA's. I agree that the upper and lower weren't originally together, but that doesn't mean it's not an SP1 upper - although I believe the few FA equipped SP1 uppers did have forge codes, which this doesn't.
Link Posted: 6/20/2011 9:56:19 AM EDT
I can't tell you anything about the flash suppressor, but the upper half of that isn't SP1, obviously. It actually has an XM16E1 chrome BCG, though.

Believe it or not, there were actually a few SP1's built with FA's. I agree that the upper and lower weren't originally together, but that doesn't mean it's not an SP1 upper - although I believe the few FA equipped SP1 uppers did have forge codes, which this doesn't.

Sporter 2's or SP2's had forward assist. I've never known of an SP1 to have it.
Page AR-15 » AR-15 / M-16 Retro Forum
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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