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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/19/2009 6:56:01 AM EDT
Hello,  I would like to know more about the new Colt AR-15 I just purchased. I found some basic info such as GC=Government Carbine but would like to know the original build configuration and date of the rifle.  It is a Colt AR-15 A2/M4 6520 w/A3 upper, 14.5" 1/9 barrel, 2" FH, pistol grip, 2-position telescoping buttstock, bayo-lug.  Would
like to know if this was the original build configuration of this rifle or if was a piece-job.

Link Posted: 1/19/2009 11:02:23 AM EDT
Sounds like a build.  6520 would have come with a 16" lightweight barrel on an A2 upper.

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 9:54:34 AM EDT
Found this in another post: "Pre-ban Colt model R6520 AR-15A2 Gov't Carbine w/ R6721 Tactical Carbine M4 marked upper reciever assembly as shipped from Colt with matching serial numbered vapor bag and blue label box. This Rifle is one of a small number of factory configured Gov't carbines that were built up by Colt with flat top M4 uppers and shipped just prior to the 1994 Federal AWB."

Any info on this?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 10:00:31 AM EDT

"Hello, can you run a serial number for me and tell me when it left the factory and in what configuration?"

They'll be open for business tomorrow morning.

Enjoy your day.
Link Posted: 1/27/2009 10:27:36 AM EDT
Thanks, they confirmed the year and build.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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