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Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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Posted: 11/29/2014 12:11:03 PM EDT
So I need help the bolt just gets stuck realy bad when charging
I load a round bolt gets stuck closed
I fire the round  and if it goes off it ejects properly but may be short stroking can't tell
The chamber gets filled with prices of brass filling to
I cleaned and used compressed air but same prob
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 12:24:03 PM EDT
Does it stick with no round loaded?  If no, try another brand of ammo.  If it sticks and you are using reloads I would start looking there.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 12:32:50 PM EDT
What caliber? Who's ammo?

This is a typical problem with remanufactured ammo and reloads that have not been resized enough. What happens is the ammo gets pinched between the bolt face and the chamber shoulders. Federal match ammo is known to be "tall" when compared to other brands. Virtually all other USA manufactured brass cased ammo is made way shorter than needed straight from the factory. This allows for plenty of clearance in any rifle even remotely close to minimum dimensions.

If you are using new USA made ammo you probably have a headspace problem. Return the rifle for repairs if this is the case.
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 12:46:28 PM EDT
It is chambered in 556 I can't return anything I got most of it on face book the ammo was cheap but I tryed some 223 as well it will fire  but jams a lot
The bullets look frosty after half way what's that about
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 1:19:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/29/2014 8:09:04 PM EDT
Widener's sells case lots of Israeli M193 and M855, it's quality is above average. I didn't know you could buy ammo off facebook.

You tried new commercial ammo and it jams as well, that means you may have a rifle problem in addition to an ammo problem. Who made the rifle? Is it a parts gun or known manufacturer? Some magazines, the really cheap ones, are junk. Use GI surplus or Magpul and see what happens. Pro Mags are among the worse.

I would look at the chamber first and the barrel extension. Did someone use a standard rifle barrel extension in combination with a M4 cut upper receiver? This will cause jams. Cases that are frosted after being fired can indicate a rough, oversized or poorly cut chamber.

If you bought it used from someone because it was cheap then you got what you paid for. Some people cobble together crap and when it works they keep it, if it doesn't they sell it to an unsuspecting noob to recoop their losses. Try to contact the seller and see what they say about your problems.
Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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