In one corner we've got a YHM tube, the cheaper of the two, a half ounce lighter, $60 bucks cheaper, but requires the removal of the front sight post. Something I'm not entirely comfortable doing.
In the other corner we've got the midwest industries tube, a slightly more premium option, able to be installed without removing the sight post, appears to be the same hight as the receiver unlike the competition (I theenk) but I've never heard of their product before.
I'm leaning towards the MI but I thought I'd tap the hivemind before breaking out the piggy bank.
Oh yeah, and there's this option as well...Not nearly as cool as the other options but a hell of a lot cheaper, lighter, and it's not like I was going to stick lights, lasers, or a bipod on the carbine in question anyway...Well, maybe a light but I'd need to kill off a few more braincells before I think dropping several hundred bucks on a flashlight is a great idea, but not impossible.