I've got a 516, but I would recommend a Barrett REC7 in 556 as it's piston system closely resembles the AK47 piston system the most. Good luck on finding one though!
I find it very ironic there have been some 7.62x39 AR uppers that are not gas piston... It's like going backwards...
SIG will be offering a 300 BLK as well as their 7.62x39, but for 7.62x39 I would opt for a PWS.
Now, you my friend will make me a fairly happen man if you could answer the million dollar question(S)....
Do PWS still make the 7.62x39 AR (And is it a piston like the rest of their rifles (my gut is screaming yes on this one)), if they do, where in the hell do i find it on their website to tell my FFL to order it for me...
Thank you to everyone so far. If anyone else has any other suggestions, i am all eyes to researching these guns since it gives me an idea and whats good.