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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 10/20/2016 11:00:55 PM EDT
I need to renew my search for a government profile 20" CL 1/7 with minimal POI shift between hot/cold.
The few I have had over the years just didn't come anywhere near a 20" match 1/7 SS barrel, and generally not as good as a 14.5 CL lightweight.
I had one Colt 20" CL Gov Pro that would hold very near MOA with up to and including 69 grain match, but the POI shift cold bore to hot was way way higher  and seemingly inconsistent.. And it was free floated with Larue upper and KAC 2 stage trigger, Vortex flash hider.  Multiple installs with various barrel nut torque didn't make anything better.
Anyone have better luck?

Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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