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Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 1/25/2009 12:30:35 PM EDT
Has anyone had a chance to play with these bullets yet? I have heard that they aren’t as accurate but nobody will post just how much worse they are over regular loads, it any at all. What are we talking 2" groups at 150 yards? Thats good enough for the dogs I shoot. Also if you have use these bullets what has the terminal performance been like? Will the pelt be in decent condition on a fox at 50 yards? 200? how about a yote? I really like the idea of no ricochet or exit wound if possible. But reliable stopping power is also a must.

PS: where do they hide the Spell Check feature on this forum? Am I Blind?
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 5:28:50 PM EDT
The guys in the Armory/Reloading forum might have some info on the accuracy of the bullet. I think I've seen it mentioned there.

There's an Outdoors/Hunting forum that could opine on the pelt aspect.
Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:03:45 PM EDT

Did someone say "Grenade"?

And BTW, I believe you have to be a (paying) Team Member to have such ARFCOM luxuries as spell check. So stop being a Tightwad and join!

Link Posted: 1/25/2009 7:31:45 PM EDT
I picked up some 36gr Barnes Varmit Grenades last June for a prairie dog hunt. I was very disappointed. I was shooting a 1/12 24" RRA rig and I was getting much, much better explosive fragmentation from the 50gr WM Federal VP ammo. The Barnes rounds left a decent sized hole but would not blow out the whole exit side of the prairie dogs like the Federal. It was fun though, to watch the 36gr's vaporize when shot out of my 16" 1/7 Superior Arms rig!
Link Posted: 1/26/2009 3:32:11 PM EDT
Thanks for the posts, and I'll check the hunting forum.
Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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