Good to hear! Basically here are the minor things I am lacking. And you can ask more questions to see if I may be overlooking something.
I need:
Forward Assist Assembly - that is just Forward assist, spring, and roll pin I believe
Ejection Port Assembly - Cover Door, Cover Pin, C-Clip, Ejection Port Cover Spring - it just need one c clip? I think I saw something for sale that had a couple of c-clips. So that kinda threw me off.
Now I bought a Daniel Defense 16" barrel. What will I need for installing the barrel? Any specific barrel nut? Is there a specific barrel nut depending on what tactical rail/handguard I put on?
Edit: forgot to note I got a mid length barrel and don't have gas block yet or gas tube.
If you think I may be overlooking anything, or just want to question whether I have something, just ask and I will tell you what I have.
Thanks for the help!!