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Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 8/13/2007 1:27:57 AM EDT
I've been watching the ammo for sale ads with interest lately and it seems like people think this stuff is made of gold.

AIM has new commercial ammo (PRVI) in .308 for 55 cents a round, and Lithuanian surplus for the same price.  (http://www.aimsurplus.com/acatalog/308.html)

I can buy new commercial brass case ammo for 60-80 cents a round that I can reload, but the SA and Aussie (I think) are non-reloadable.

So, give me a reason to keep the South African and Australian crates in the basement and not dump them at ridiculously high prices on the EE.

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 3:32:48 AM EDT
free enterprise, man!

Link Posted: 8/13/2007 5:24:38 AM EDT
Dump the old ammo and buy Prvi (2007) It is extremely good ammo. No steel, very clean, high quality, boxer primed non-corrosive and very accurate. I shoot it all the time in my M1A without ever having one problem. AND it's 2007 ammo! The brass is reloadable also, which makes your once-fired brass worth a lot in the EE.(What $60 - $80 per 1000? maybe more)  Berdan primed once-fired is metal value only and a local scrap dealer will only give you $1.50 per lb on small quantities.
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 5:46:54 AM EDT
The cartridges are sealed and packaged for (insert Ron White voice here) lllllloonnnggg term storage.  Why not keep it and just add to it in smaller quantities over time?
Link Posted: 8/13/2007 1:56:46 PM EDT
because someone will just hold on to it,  and sell it for twice you did.   so you might as well keep it
Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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