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Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 4/17/2007 5:58:39 PM EDT
Considering .223 is going up like crazy. Check out the link,folks!
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 6:10:52 PM EDT
what's the deal with that 62gr stuff?  is it made to SS109 specs?
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 6:22:01 PM EDT
Probably not. After checking out Prvi Partizan's site it didn't say it was.
Link Posted: 4/17/2007 6:22:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 12:04:46 PM EDT
Man, that listed price for the 75 gr OTM would have seemed like a good price several years ago. It seems like ana amazing deal by today's standards. Is that price accurate? How does the PP 75 gr stuff compare to the offerings by Hornady and Black Hills?
Link Posted: 4/18/2007 2:21:22 PM EDT
Is this stuff any good?
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:26:15 PM EDT
I just received my 400 round order of the 55 grainers today.  Sealed 10 boxes per plastic sleeve.  Opened them up, headstamped "PPU 06" and "5.56x45".  Bullets have cannelures (sp?) and cases appear to be annealed, primers appear to be crimped and sealed but these things may be obvious to some, just thought I'd share.

I'm also wishing I'd have bought 1,000.  Shipping was $1 per pound from AIM to MN so my total shipped was $123.

I might get some pics up later in case anyone is interested.

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:32:46 PM EDT
My 2000 should arrive tomorrow.  I'll be set for awhile.  I'll be sure to post when I get a chance to shoot some of it
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:35:31 PM EDT
I just bought 600 rounds from AIMSurplus for $179.00 Shipped to Illinois.
Prvi Partizan .223/5.56x45 M193 55grn FMJ

200rds: $56.00ea
1,000rd case: $275.00ea

Link Posted: 4/19/2007 5:47:15 PM EDT
I can't speak for the 62grain stuff but the 55grain Prvi Partizan is my current ammo of choice.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 6:36:16 PM EDT
I've recieved about 3k of the 55gr M193 and have not had any problems shooting it out of an 11.5" DPMS upper. I have anohter k on order now.

also had good results with the 75gr out of a 24" 1/8 upper.
Link Posted: 4/19/2007 10:03:29 PM EDT
bleh, still a rip off if you ask me
Page AR-15 » Ammunition
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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