Accu Wedges are made a little over tall to fit varying ar-15 clones, if you have to muscle it to put the recievers together, you're doing it wrong, and you have to trim a little off the bottom. The idea of it is to stop play between the upper and lower, and it does that just fine. What it does is fits tightly under the lug for the rear takedown pin, making a false "custom" fit between the two. It stops all the play, therefore any wear between the upper and lower. My rifles have them, close easily and have virtually NO play between recievers, I don't see how it could affect accuracy in a bad way, or have the recievers orientate differently for two given shots. If your reciever has play will it be in the same place after the first rounds' recoil forces are exerted on it? I don't imagine so. I'll keep mine. Hell, $1.95 a pop and it stops wear and all movement (wasn't much in the first place) between recievers, I'll trade a little hypothetical accuracy for longer life. And they last forever too.
Just my .2