I got the one-piece armalite mount for my flattop AR. It was the only one that actually pushes the scope far forward enough, but it is still too friggin low (1.2" instead of 1.4").
Do all AR mounts suck, or what? I see a lot of scopes mounted with regular type high rings, but the rear lens of the scope is way way way too far back.
Am I the only one who minds having the scope too low or pushed back into his eyeball? Or am I missing something?
It seems to me that the scope centerline should match the height of the iron peep sights and the rear lens should be positioned about even with the end of the charging handle.
I think maybe a lot of guys mount their scope too far back. Your scope should be mounted so that you can get the full view plus a little bit forward in case you happen to get exited and place your head too far forward. I always mounted sopes too far back until I limp-wristed my 45-70 and bashed myself in the eyebrow with my scope.