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AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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Posted: 12/28/2006 7:03:22 PM EDT
I got a couple friends that are now first time AR owners after the holiday. So got them a few mags to start and wanted to get them a video also to help them out. I just want a video that shows how to break down clean maintain and explain the diffrent parts on AR's. I don't need anything to teach them to shoot they can take a class and learn the right way.

Now I know a few people would like to reply get them a membership for this site or tell them to join the military but thats not going to happen. Then others might look as this as like giving someone fruit cake. But for me its just trying to keep all the noob AR question to a minimum so I can keep my sanity and enjoy my friends and hobby.

So if anyone knows of a good video that covers maintaining cleaning breaking down rebuilding and explains the parts of the AR system please let me know.

Thank you.
Link Posted: 12/29/2006 1:31:10 PM EDT
The videos from AGI or Clark Custom will take care of you on this.  For how to shoot them better as well as maintenance, etc. look at the videos from Matt Burkett and Bennie Cooley.

Link Posted: 12/29/2006 10:19:13 PM EDT
Thanks uscbigdawg.

All have to look into those.
Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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