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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 5/15/2003 3:20:05 PM EDT
I want to know what "AR" realy stands for. Ive hear automatic rifle, aramalite rifle, and others. What does it realy stand for?
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 3:38:22 PM EDT
Armalite Rifle model 15.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 4:36:08 PM EDT
Eugene Stoner founded the original ArmaLite. It is ArmaLite Rifle 15.
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 5:42:22 PM EDT
Eugene Stoner founded the original ArmaLite. It is ArmaLite Rifle 15.
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Historical correction:

Armalite existed before Lord Stoner went to work for them. Armalite was a division of Fairchild Aircraft and was started by George Sullivan.

In fact, George Sullivan was at a local range shooting a prototype AR1 (light weight bolt-action rifle with steel lined aluminum barrel), when he came across a hobbyist gunsmith named Eugene Stoner. Stoner was testing his newly developed M6 rifle (.30-06 semi-auto rifle with an aluminum receiver and that has similar features to an M14 and a Johnson 1941). Sullivan admired Stoner's craftsmanship and offered him a job. The rest is history.

Just thought you'd like to know the story.

Lord Stoner
Link Posted: 5/15/2003 9:35:45 PM EDT
Lord Stoner is correct.  There are several 'AR's that are neither 'Automatic' nor 'Rifles'.

AR is for [b]AR[/b]malite - nothing more, nothing less.

From the FAQ at the Maryland AR-15 Shooters Website:

...Armalite made a variety of firearms including shotguns (the AR-17) and bolt action rifles (AR-1 and AR-5); all with the AR designation...
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Page AR-15 » AR Discussions
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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