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Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 8/8/2007 6:43:40 AM EDT
I 've used Magpul and M4-type stocks before, never had an A2.  So, I recently built an upper with an A2 stock and took it to the range sunday.  I kept hearing a "clang" everytime I'd shoot.  I have never heard that out of my years of shooting before.  I got the A2 stock, buffer, buffer spring etc.. in a trade.  It IS a rifle buffer.  Could it be that I got a bad spring or maybe a carbine spring?  Or should it sound like that?  --Hope not.  Haven't had a chance to compare it to one of my M4 buffer springs yet.

Link Posted: 8/8/2007 7:14:52 AM EDT
it is normal.
it should be more a a sproing! noise than a clang though; but it is normal
Link Posted: 8/8/2007 7:37:06 AM EDT
Kewl, thx man.  It was more of a sprooiiiing.
Link Posted: 8/8/2007 7:58:13 AM EDT
i like the sound...
when i dont hear it i know by bolt is locked open
and i am empty...
Link Posted: 8/16/2007 1:22:14 PM EDT
I have about 1/8" gap from the spacer and the stock and it slides around. Is that normal?
Link Posted: 8/17/2007 9:33:52 AM EDT
Page AR-15 » Troubleshooting
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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