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Page AR-15 » Rimfire and Pistol Calibers
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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Posted: 8/25/2006 10:11:34 AM EDT
Well most of us have seen the wait time for the 10round magazines from RRA, and unfortunately for us in California 10 rounds is all we can use.  My question is If I had another individual (out of state) modify a 20 or 32 round mag, how would you go about the mag modification leagally?  Does a metal magazine have to be welded?  Could you used a polymer Promag and epoxy a stop in it?  just wondering on alternatives to a $45 dollar mag with a wait period.

Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:02:51 PM EDT
i think you would be stuck with cutting the magazine body down so it would be impossible to make it 10+ rds
Link Posted: 8/25/2006 2:32:50 PM EDT
well, if you have the $$$ to burn.

I would have a friend that has some experience cut one down. If the first one works, the have him do more.   To me its sort of a waste of $$ and a good mag, but you guys in CA seem to have alot of $$ to spend.

i wouldnt try to plug up the mag, since it may give you only grief from any LEOs that may see it.  If it looks like a 10 round mag, who will care?
Page AR-15 » Rimfire and Pistol Calibers
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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