From the web page.....
Composite DIY Lower receiver
Already completed:
1) Magazine well
2) Pistol grip area completed
3) Trigger guard holes drilled
4) Front and rear pivot pin holes drilled and reamed
5) Selector retainer hole drilled
6) Main hole for buffer tube drilled and threaded
7) Buffer retainer hole drilled
8) Magazine release/catch slots finished
10) Take down lug milled out (you may need to slightly open it)
To be done by you:
1) Fire control pocket
2) Drill trigger pin hole
3) Drill hammer pin hole
4) Cut trigger slot
5) Selector hole
6) Drill bolt catch roll pin hole
First set - you would think that he would have number 10 - done right - that should be on his quality control....
The last set - number 6 seems to be the tuff one - believe that there is a jig for all the other steps - then again I just might be wrong.
I do feel that unless you want a pink lower, and no one else has one - why would you spend more money on a lower that you have to work on make out of plastic or composite? the savings of an FFL fee is to me not worth it.
You would think that he would have put up a vid on how to finish one of his lowers, and have some jigs and bits for sale in his store.
Of course YMMV
Edit - to make some grammar correct