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Page AR-15 » Magazines
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
Posted: 12/27/2002 7:54:35 AM EDT
Besides the Colt 20 round magazines, who makes operational Hi cap magazines for the AR in 7.62 X 39, 20 round magazines prefered but if 30 round magazine are what work best then I will go that way.  Please help if you can.  Thanks

Link Posted: 12/27/2002 9:45:12 AM EDT
The USA mags that look half AR and half AK work the best.
Link Posted: 12/27/2002 11:44:58 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/27/2002 7:28:46 PM EDT
Thank you both very much.  I will start looking with your advice in mind.  Happy Holidays

Link Posted: 12/31/2002 8:21:56 AM EDT
Does anyone have experience with the flat sided, blued 20rd 7.62x39 mags that are the same size and shape as the 30rd .223 mags. I think these look the best, but I have no idea if they work or not.....any help out there?
Link Posted: 12/31/2002 11:18:19 AM EDT
Page AR-15 » Magazines
AR Sponsor: bravocompany
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