Exceeded bandwidth is not a problem that anyone can fix. The only fix is to buy more. A board purchases so much bandwidth for use each month. If the board has so many hits, uploads, downloads... that the limit is reached before the end of the billing cycle, the board is taken off line. The only way to fix that is to purchase more bandwidth or wait until the new billing cycle starts and the bandwidth limit 'resets.' For instance, my personal bandwidth is limited to 5 gig and if I go over that amount, I am charged 5 cents per meg of use. Rather than bankrupt people who have boards, the site is shut down. I am on several BBs that this happens on every few months, especially during times when people have nothing better to do than sit around on the computer, such as holidays, winter, and bad weather.
The anniversary date of the usage does not have to be on the first of the month, at least mine isn't. So, 458SOCOMFORUMS may be down for a couple days, or a couple of weeks, depending on when his bandwidth resets.