You installed it wrong, and best guess, forgot to install the pistol grip screw washer to prevent the grip screw from protruding into the bottom of receiver cavity which prevents the trigger going all the way back down/forward to release the hammer from the disco at rest.
Looking into the receiver with the trigger pull back and the hammer lowered down, the disco sear ( the rear hook) will grab/retain the hammer. As you release/reset the trigger, the trigger top end moves forward and the hammer is released from the disco and caught by the primary sear (the front hook, and higher that the back hook). As you start to pull the trigger, the hammer sear moves/slides down/across the trigger primary sear until the back of the hammer touches the disco sear (hump just above the disco sear). This engagement of the back of the hammer against the disco sear humps adds more tension, and this tension is the second stage of the trigger. Ideally, the creep/movement of the first stage is around 1-3 LB, and then the resistance of the disco against the back of the hammer adds another lb or two. Also, if the second stage is set correctly, once you feel the engagement of the disco hump adding resistances, then next bit of trigger travel will release the hammer from the primary sear (read trigger creep, then hit a wall, then the next feel from the trigger at release being that of breaking a small glass rod).