First of all, congrats on your new rifle!!!
1: Wolf ammo is not evil. Whoever told you it was discountinued in 2003 was feeding you horse shit with a front loader.Let me guess, it was the gun store trying to sell you more expensive ammo? Wolf is absolutely fine, like the above poster stated, use it for plinking. Also, cleaning your rifle for hours? Something is wrong there. Granted it might be your first time and breaking it down might still be a learning experience, but you shouldnt be spending that much time. And yes, having patches come out dirty is normal. Wolf is alittle dirtier than other rounds, but its no big deal.
2: Double feeds. Are you sure they are double feeds? ie: two unfired rounds getting fed at once? Or is it a failure to extract (FTE) where the empty case from the round you just fired has not been ejected but the bolt has stripped off a new round and tried to load it into the chamber. This is a more common problem. This could be being caused by shortstroking or by a weak extractor. A good test to determine this is this:
-Unload the rifle and verify that it is clear.
-Check the bore for obstructions.
-Load the rifle with one round from the magazine. Use quality ammunition and a proven magazine for this.
-Aim downrange and fire, the bolt should catch on the bolt stop. Hold the rifle as loose as possible.
-Reload and repeat the process if the rifle does not lock open Depress the bottom of the bolt stop before firing this time. This allows for weak magazine springs, sticky followers, or an overly strong bolt catch spring.
-If the bolt does not lock open then there is a gas system problem. Investigate and repair the problem.
-If it only locks open with the bolt stop depressed, repeat the process with a different magazine. If the rifle still fails to function then look at the bolt stop as a probable culprit.
(Taken from Troubleshooting Checklist in the
Troubleshooting ForumIf it isnt that, then you might have weak extraction. Check your extractor for chips or cracks. I had this same problem with my brand new Bushmaster about a year ago and found that by placing a #60 O-ring over the extractor spring, it increased extraction power and cleared up my problems right away.
Hope this helps some, congrats again! are you from the WNY area?