i looked into getting heatshields for ak lowers produced at several places about a yr. ago since i could never find a source and demand seemed to be high, but the cost/unit i was quoted on was never realistic..too expensive...thats a good question u have about a source. well, alternatively, you canmake a decent one for free using an aluminum beer can folder over on itself a few times and pressed down & then shaped into a U...ive done this with good results using one of those longer arizona iced tea can(the gauge of aluminum is thicker on those cans)
ETA: the melting point of steel is about 2500 degrees F while the melting point of aluminum is roughly about half that @ 1220 degrees F so I believe Al is OK. btw does anyone know the temps a barrel can reach under intense firing?? its gotta be below 1220 F ,no?anyone know?