Ok, stupid question, but who makes a US made wooden pistol grip that looks like the hungarian style? I like the feel of it better than the normal AK pistol grip, but need the compliance part.
After sending an Email to Ironwood about purchasing just the grip, it occured to me that they probably don't mimick the actual style, just make the same stocks to fit different rifles. Any ideas?
Also, if pistol grips are out of the question, how about gas pistons? I saw one normal length gas piston advertised with a note saying that they wouldn't fit an sa 85. I haven't removed the gas piston to measure it, but it looks pretty close to 6.25" mounted, is it a different diamiter head? What gives?
Anybody that knows hungarian AK's, please help me out. If necisary I'll repost this over in the Hungarian AK section.
Thanks in advance.