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Page AK-47 » AK Pistols/SBR
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 12/16/2010 8:42:36 AM EDT
I'm in Michigan so I can't own an sbr.  Is it ok to modify the trunnion of the gun to accept a vz58 stock in the event of shtf but never attach it.  In the event of shtf it would be difficult to operate a drill so I'd like to be prepared.  I haven't seen this exact question covered anywhere.  I have a feeling this is not okay as it's probably just as in you cannot possess a drop in auto sear or suppressor but I wasn't sure.  Thanks
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:04:34 AM EDT
If you are assuming the SHTF situation is so bad that you do not care about federal or state law and you will not have time to break out the drill, then it seems your plan would require you to also have a vz58 stock on hand. A pretapped reciever and a homeless vz58 stock on hand would likely end up being constructive posession of an illegal SBR in violation of your state and federal law. You could tap the back of your recever to put on  a sling attachment and do so. A few ideas come to mind, but frankly I would not expect too many people to brainstorm with you about how to make a Draco readily convertible to an SBR in a state that does not allow you to have one- SHTF or not. Maybe what you need is a long permanetly attached flash hider or break that gets you over 16" total on the barrel and then put on your vz58 folder ...
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:05:44 AM EDT
I'm in Michigan so I can't own an sbr.  Is it ok to modify the trunnion of the gun to accept a vz58 stock in the event of shtf but never attach it.  In the event of shtf it would be difficult to operate a drill so I'd like to be prepared.  I haven't seen this exact question covered anywhere.  I have a feeling this is not okay as it's probably just as in you cannot possess a drop in auto sear or suppressor but I wasn't sure.  Thanks

I think you just answered your own question.  Trust your instincts.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:10:16 AM EDT
Take my advice for what it is, free advice on the internet from a non-lawyer.  But I suspect you can be charged with a constructive possession charge for having a Draco and a rear trunion drilled for the stock with nothing in the hole.  But if you have a hole drilled for a rear sling attachment point (with it mounted), you could argue that you do have a legal use for it.  It would similar to having a AR pistol lower, AR rifle lower and only 1 SBR upper.  You have a legal way to assemble it, so you can't be charged.  

The constructive possession charge got tested in court by the maker of the Thompson/Centerr single shot pistol.  From what I understand, somebody got charged with constructive possession because they had a T/C pistol and rifle kit together.  The ATF said they had a SBR (pistol barrel & rifle stock).  But the Judge stated that if there was a legal way to assemble it (rifle barrel & rifle stock), that it isn't a SBR.  Especially since I don't think it was assembled in an illegal configuration.  The Judge was wise enough to see that you can't go looking for a potential crime, but that it has to be an actual crime.  Other wise, a hacksaw and a shotgun could be a SBS.

Another option for you to consider is building the Draco into a rifle.  Have a barrel extension (CNC Warrior makes a 2" & 4" one) and flash hider attached by tack welding the underside (like the barrel nut is tacked on).  Then if SHTF, keep a hacksaw to cut the weld.  It took me 30 seconds to remove the barrel nut with a Dremel and a cut out wheel.  I imagine you could do it within 10 minutes with hand tools.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:16:16 AM EDT
Also remember, you are only saving 4-6" on a Draco pistol vs. a 16" AK.  That is not alot of savings when you consider the legal ramifications that may come about from it.  After the S drips off the Fan, things will settle down.  If you do need to gun during a SHTF, do you want to explain having a SBR afterward?
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 10:26:20 AM EDT
Ok that's what I guessed but I didn't know the technical term "constructive possesion."  My main interest in this was I had heard these would be technically useable in the shotgun/pistol zone and for home defense because it's legally a pistol but I just rechecked and michigan a hunting pistol has to use straight walled cartridges so that's out.  I also thought this might be a good ak to own since it's not been molested by century for 922r but as I've been reading I see alot of issues with canted sights and such.  Perhaps a converted saiga would have more of the quality I desire.  I could then get a 5.45x39 as the ammo is cheaper.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 11:06:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 11:22:37 AM EDT
the laws get real fuzzy with regards to SBRs.

now before you jump all over me, hear me out.

i have a coupla SBR ARs, so for those 2 registered lowers i have 3 shorty uppers to swap out. along with the SBRs i also have a RR M-16 that legally can use whatever length upper.

now, i ALSO have title 1 ARs.

see where i'm going with this? it gets fuzzy, i say that because there have been arguments in the NFA forum here on the legality of owning extra uppers or extra M-16 FCGs while also owning title 1 ARs.

i don't know how many people have been put in the slammer over "constructive possession", but having a AK pistol laying around with a drilled out trunnion, and there, laying next to it is a stock that will screw right on, well that just aint smart.

otoh, if you have a rifle with that stock on it, along with an AK pistol in the safe, theres no problems.

besides, in a shtf situation, you do NOT want to be converting firearms.... now, in TEOTWAWKI, thats different!!!!!!!
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 12:20:59 PM EDT
yeah I had heard similar things about the full auto weapons, that was what tipped me off about the issue in question.   I had considered the idea or using the same hole for the sling but then there is also the anti rotation notch so that would still be looked at as constructive possession.  I don't know how difficult that notch would be to do with hand tools in a crisis.  It could be possible but I think your arms would get pretty tired from filing.

As I was saying though I mainly wanted this as a way to get both a home defense gun and hunting pistol in one but now I've seen that's not possible with this route so I will probably get a 5.45 saiga and a magnum revolver to hunt with in the shotgun/pistol zone.  Then I could have a defensive sidearm/pistol zone gun in one.

I basically don't want a huge collection of guns.  Just a few key ones suited to multipurposing.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 5:32:50 PM EDT
the laws get real fuzzy with regards to SBRs.

now before you jump all over me, hear me out.

i have a coupla SBR ARs, so for those 2 registered lowers i have 3 shorty uppers to swap out. along with the SBRs i also have a RR M-16 that legally can use whatever length upper.

now, i ALSO have title 1 ARs.

see where i'm going with this? it gets fuzzy, i say that because there have been arguments in the NFA forum here on the legality of owning extra uppers or extra M-16 FCGs while also owning title 1 ARs.

i don't know how many people have been put in the slammer over "constructive possession", but having a AK pistol laying around with a drilled out trunnion, and there, laying next to it is a stock that will screw right on, well that just aint smart.

otoh, if you have a rifle with that stock on it, along with an AK pistol in the safe, theres no problems.

besides, in a shtf situation, you do NOT want to be converting firearms.... now, in TEOTWAWKI, thats different!!!!!!!

I agree with you - SHTF no. As far as EOTW you would want a pistol and a rifle.
BTW : Check out your post count

Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:04:58 PM EDT
OH TEH NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(regarding previous post count number....)
Link Posted: 12/17/2010 12:25:32 AM EDT
The shit has hit the fan. There was an earthquake, followed by flooding. With FEMA slow to deploy, looting was chased by riots in your neighborhood.

Two months later an off-duty cop in the next stall at the gun range sees you with your short-barreled rifle. What's your excuse? Officer, I didn't make it until a lawless period!

A better plan is to figure out how you're going to get away from the effected area. A gun is a handy thing to have in a crisis, but I doubt the difference between a stockless and stocked draco will be more important than a full tank of gas, some spending money, a way out of the city, and a place outside the crisis area to go. It's less sexy than the thought of your awesome new SBR, but is much more legal and a lot more practical.
Page AK-47 » AK Pistols/SBR
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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