all it takes for one to have a religious war is for one party to make it so. If the opposition does not identify it as such and defend itself, even if it fights in self defense and not "jihad", the battle is over.
A religious war is one fought over ideology, not land, or wealth, or power, or any other "thing". And as such, there is not compromise, truce, or "agreement to peacefully co-exist". There is nothing but the victorious and the defeated.
I think it is more than a religious war, it's a war over worldviews, including religion, perhaps based on it. The western culture, based primarily on judeo-christian philosophy, has been astonishingly successful in the past 500 years in every area, economics, law, industry, military strength, technology, you name it. The muslim countries rot due to the failed philosophy of islam. They cannot compete on the same playing field, so they try to gain influence by "jihad".
The sad thing is that the west has largely abandoned the philosophical roots that produced its greatness in favor of pluralism, the notion that all ideas are of equal merit, and the islamists now see a weakness that they are trying to exploit. A hundred years ago this attempt to make the world muslim by force would have been certainly and quickly crushed. The west was united in its culture and traditions (in general, as opposed to the islamic world), and in the understanding that those things were superior to others and worth defending. But today, the west wrings its hands and wonders why we can't all get along, with Spain's surrender the most recent example. Only a few other countries, the US being by far the most influential, actually have the fortitude to join ranks and fight back. But I fear the US will soon blur the resolve it now has and descend into trying to appease the islamists rather than standing its ground. This is a battle for the very survival of western culture, and as such it is a religious war, wether we choose to view it as such or not.
I teach high school, and the other day in class my students jokingly asked me if I got into a fight with this other teacher, who would win. I immediately replied that I would. They asked the same question about several other teachers, including the 6'7" 295lb basketball coach. I responded each time that I would win. When asked how I could be so sure that I would win every time I told them this. I would not enter into a fight with them, or anybody else, unless I was willing to severely injure or kill my opponent, and I would try to accomplish that as quickly and as brutally as possible. The shock of speed and violence ensures victory. I do not fight "fair". The first rule of successful combat is that it be UNFAIR. I want the greatest advantage possible and I will exploit it fully. The person with the killer mindset is superior to a person with greater skill but who hesitates in using it. I fight to win, and will only fight when absolutely necessary, but when necessary, I will win, because I throw myself fully into the endeavor and leave myself no other acceptable option. We must have the same mindset if we are to win this war. Victory or death.
Wether we realize it or not, we are in a struggle for our existance. If we do not fight to win, we have already lost. Those that attacked us realize that it is a struggle to the death, and we are fools if we do not respond in kind. We did not try to understand the Japaneese, why they attacked us in 1941, how we were somehow responsible for the motivation behind the suicide kamakazee, or what we could do to make them like us. We kicked their teeth in and came one blow close to wiping them out by the millions. We make sure we won. I see little difference between that conflict and this one, save perhaps our own mindset.
A good step in the right direction would be to give the citizens of Falluja two days to leave town, search them all for weapons as they go, and then carpet bomb the place. Wipe Falluja off the map.
Another good idea is to dip our bullets in pig fat and bury the dead insurgents with pig remains, for any good muslim knows that if he is defiled in death he will go straight to hell. It worked in the mulsim terrorist uprising in the Phillipines in the early part of the last century, primarily because it broke the enemy's will to fight, and that's the only thing that will win this conflict. I read that the Israelis will soon be putting buckets of pig fat on busses to deter the islamists from blowing them up, for if a suicide bomber (martyr) dies having touched pig flesh, he does not go to Paradise and get 70 virgins, he goes to hell. We must break the back of these islamists quickly and decisively. If we are more worried about offending someone's sensibilities than winning the fight, we will loose.
This is a religious war, because the islamists made it one. We must accept that and treat it as such, else we loose. And defeat means more than an embarassment in a southeast asia land war. It means the world changes.
Know your enemy, and respond.