Guys, he said he has the "soup can" style flash hider, and if he has a 7.62 SBR Krink he probably got the parts from KVAR, which means he has a Bulgarian 7.62 kit with the 4 piece muzzle device.
THis is a very effective break AND flash hider, and it is very well designed. It is used for .30 cal and 5.56 cal Bulgarian short berreled rifles. NOW, getting around the flash hider effect might be a bit tricky, and removing the forcing cone inside might not turn it completely into a muzzle extension. Personally to me, the gun is unshootable with out it (my buddy has a transferable .30 cal krink with this attachment) and I would leave the damn thing in place. It is a overly loud fireball
otherwise.....which certainly is fun SOMETIMES but an annoyance for normal shooting.
I am not saying this necessity justifies the leaving of the can on there...and I am sure there are plenty of other of 24x1.5 mm threaded devices out there you could use/ and or butcher to put on your rifle for now....and use the best one (soup can) when sept rolls around...