So I got to try out an EOTech (512 model) by borrowing it from a friend of mine who uses it on his AR. I was initially wondering whether it would work as it sits so far forward. Turns out that it worked just fine for me, and in fact I zeroed it as best I could and got some pretty good shot groupings at the targets we were firing at (about 50 yards away). I was concerned based on the responses here that it wouldn't work out well, but it would appear anyway that things aren't as bad as I had feared.
I think I'm going to go with the EO Tech. I like the design of the sight itself, and it's just stupid easy to use for me. I also thought it looked quite sharp on my gun though its certainly much farther forward than anyone with an AR would probably prefer. Given that I don't own an AR I guess that's not as big an issue for me.
What am I missing here? Everything seemed right...yet when it comes to several hundred bucks, I can't help but wonder if I'm about to make a mistake by buying one...weird train of thought I know.