I did some closer checking:
The feedramp is not loose, it is in tight & matches the rails.
The trunion is clean with no burrs or crud.
Using another rifle, the bolt closes easily, the bolt wiggles freely, and the carrier finishes closing not affecting the bolt.
On the affected rifle, the bolt contacts the face of the barrel and everythind stops, the bolt is tight against the barrel and can go no where else.
The serial # on the receiver ( there were no numbers on the trunion) matched all the numbers on the rest of the kit.
I am going to remove the barrel pin and try to press the barrel out a small amount to see if this will allow the bolt to close. Then I will have to get a set of gauges to safely check /set the correct headspace.
Thanks for all the help with this problem. I will repost when I finish!
Quoted: your headspace would have to be way way off for this to be a headspace prob so much that i would look in other places first
so start with checking the feed ramp (make shure its in correct and not loose)
then look for burs or crud in the trunnion
let us know if you find anythang there
PS on most the standard trunnion yugos ive seen 1/2 the parts dont have #'s so its kinda hard to tell if its a matching kit or not