I didn't see this thread anywhere and to be honest I don't really know if it fits here, but I have an idea that I haven't seen anywhere and I think it would be beneficial. So I took my AK-74 out to sight in the irons... the problem is I cannot adjust the front sight post far enough over to shoot bullseye (still about 4 inches right). I started looking at my buddy's AR-10 and notied its mounted on a rail, so that got the 'ol gears turning. I have tried searching for a rail front sight block and havent found one. I thought about buying a cheap FSB and chopping it down and welding a small section of railing on top so I could use some removable front sights that I can adjust/remove in the event i start using a red dot, which at this point, a red dot is my only option. If anybody has seen something like that let me know, Thanks for taking a look!