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Page AK-47 » Bulgarian
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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Posted: 12/13/2010 3:26:50 PM EDT
Anyone ever use "Arsenal" cleaning kit? I ordered a buttstock cleaning kit from KVAR specifically made for the SGL 21 and it has several issues I have read that Arsenal builds the AK with rather "unique" tolerances that many parts cannot be interchanged with the other 90 million AKs. That annoys me but I still like the Arsenal for the quality. I have heard that the common AK cleaning kit won't fit into the stock of an Arsenal stock, for the common one will be too long. So I ordered a buttstock cleaning kit from KVAR with the expectation that it would work. The
first issues is that when I want to get the kit out of the stock It sticks on the top of the hole in the rear of the butt plate. It can be removed either by pressing down unusually hard through the hole in the muzzle guide, or removing the butt plate. I have removed the screws holding the butt plate on and held the plate on with just my hand, it springs the kit right out. When I assemble the butt plate the cleaning kit gets stuck every time. I am not over tightening the butt plate screws.  Also the bore guide is way too small for anything as it wont accept the cleaning rod included with the rifle, the brush, or the cleaning attachment for a cloth. No jag is included(not that big of a deal) but I thought it was standard. Also the screwdriver doesn't have the cut out to tighten or loosen the brush attachments. Despite the cutout being on the brush/ barrel cloth attachment.

I also have a question on your experience with Kvar's customer service. I emailed them on Thursday about the issues. I also asked in the same message if I could return a second cleaning kit I accidentally ordered.

They sent a response today (Monday) and said " That cleaning kit is the proper cleaning kit for that rifle." Thats it, they didn't address the issues with the cleaning kit or send any info about returning the second cleaning kit, nothing. Just, "Thats the right one."

I am confused and any help would be greatly welcome.

Link Posted: 12/13/2010 5:55:33 PM EDT
I believe Arsenal uses cleaning kits all with the wrong thread sizes so its not surprising they would cut corners on their cleaning kits.  I believe they all fit the AK74 cleaning rods.  (One note, the brush and patch jag are not supposed to fit through the bore guide.  You put the bore guide over the rod and then thread on the cleaning jag.)  My cleaning kit tends to get stuck a bit too, but usually I just pull it on through after I push the little trap door out of the way.  The screw holes might not be quite perfect on the stock and moving the buttplate enough to slightly bind the tube as it comes out.

And as you found out, their customer service sucks and returning anything is pretty much not going to happen.  Good luck.

Edit: Who told you standard cleaning kits wouldn't fit the butt trap?  I highly doubt that's true.  I've owned several of their stock sets they use on their SGL rifles and all cleaning kits have worked.  In fact I think an SKS kit will fit too.
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 6:48:28 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/13/2010 6:49:29 PM EDT
I found out that Arsenal wouldn't accept other parts first hand when I had a parts kit and just for fun wanted to see if the parts interchanged. While I knew that some parts weren't universal with just the Arsenal I found this video, which was interesting. Arsenal comparison video. Around 6:30 and on he talks about how his cleaning kits weren't usable with an Arsenal. Maybe I drank the kool aid on this one as I haven't tried a surplus cleaning kit. With my personal opinion of the uploader of that video aside he did make me wonder what Arsenal really has in mind when they make these rifles. Also, I think your right about the Arsenal cleaning kit may require an AK74 rod. Even if I had such a rod I don't understand why I received a 7.62 cal kit guide that accepts an 5.45 rod and bore guide..... Thanks for your help about fitting the brush first then the bore guide.  

I'm sure someone might want to hear what didn't work from a surplus kit to an Arsenal. I tried to fit bolt carrier from a surplus rifle and I found that Arsenal's internal rails get wider as you near the trunnion, therefore blocking anything but Arsenal parts. I also tried to fit the surplus bolt in Arsenal's bolt carrier. Without even trying I could instantly tell it was no possibility as the surplus gun's cylinder that houses the firing pin was easily 1.5 times as thick as Arsenals'. The hole that the bolt sits in on the Arsenal was substantially smaller. Even the dust cover from the surplus rifle wasn't functional on the Arsenal. I almost question if this really is the greatest AK after all... That is all I have tried, but this video has much more info. I just watch the video for knowledge about the rifle, not his opinions.

Thanks for the response bloodsport,
Link Posted: 12/14/2010 6:51:41 PM EDT
I have not used the cleaning kits that come with my two Arsenal AKs.  These cleaning kits are Russian or Bulgarian military type that are of minimal use.  I also remove the cleaning rod from my AKs.  I use regular commercial firearms cleaning materials to clean and lubricate my AKs.  

However, Jim Fuller of Rifle Dynamics has produced a excellent video, Kalashnikov Armor – So Simple a Caveman Could Fix One.  In this video Jim explains how to use the cleaning kit and its enclosed tools.  The use of this minimal cleaning and tool kit is for extended field use under military conditions.  Since I do no foresee myself in such conditions, I do not worry about using this issue cleaning-tool kit.

However, I have noticed ATAC website that Jim contributes to, in several of this AK videos Jim has but together his own AK cleaning kit using a Bore-Snake, bottle of cleaning fluid, lubrication, etc.  So Mr. AK himself - Jim Fuller – does not use the military issue cleaning-tool kit.  I do the same!

Link to ATAC website: http://firearms.atactv.com/

What I got with my Arsenal AKs that is useless is the sling!  Too short with no way to attach it to the stock!  Worthless!  Into the garbage they went and on went a Blueforce Vickers’ Sling.
Link Posted: 12/15/2010 3:45:06 PM EDT
It's not the kit, it's the hole in the stock that is out of spec on the stamped stock Arsenal AK. I found the SGL stock to be the worst when it comes to accepting the cleaning kit. You have to sand and file out the hole in the butt for it to fit properly. As far as using the kit with the rod...I have no idea as I have never actually used an AK or SKS kit and rod to clean my rifle. The kits are for field expedient use only IMHO, at least on my guns. I use a bore snake and patches on all my guns. Rods are bad juju.

On a side note, the arsenal side folding stocks seem to accept the cleaning kit just fine.
Link Posted: 12/16/2010 6:57:41 AM EDT
Everyone answers to billing responses.  I would dispute the charge (assuming you used a card to purchase) and when the money is in question you will be surprised how willing they are to talk to you (my one and only order from them was denied by my card company to begin with and it was the card company's decision not mine).  
Page AK-47 » Bulgarian
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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