Hey TxLawdog,
The major suppliers... Century (Who makes 'em), Classic (who is discontinuing them), SOG, and other have all dropped their wholesale price to $599 so I would say $650-$675 may be a bit better retail price.
Also the golani (they are not "real" galils... the real ones start around $1200 and up), has a spotty record some folks have no problems.... others have nightmare jam-o-matics.... from what I have read they say some have had problems with the bullet guide being too low, some peening of the breech face, bolt lug rails, and mag well that is out of spec. for the orlite plastic mags.... (and a few other problems!)
Check out the Galil / valmet section here.... and there is a good bit on uzitalk.com in the galil section that discusses the problems and fixes....
All that said I just bought one with some "problems".... (i am a sucker for a hard luck case!) I'll document my fixes and what kind of luck I have getting her running!