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Page AK-47 » Polish
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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Posted: 11/27/2010 12:20:35 AM EDT
A local gun store has a Polish underfolder that I am interested in, but would like some advice first. As stated, its a polish UF kit built on an ITM reciever. The kit that was used to build it looks to be either new or very near it, with the origional barrel. Problem is, its obviously a home-build. The rivets in the front trunion look like they were driven in by a railroad spike, and the rear trunion was installed using some type of screws. Plus, there is not one single compliant part on it. Anyways, I know if I buy this gun, it will definitly have to be rebuilt and the compliance parts added. The asking price is $599. Does this sound worth it to you guys? The reciever itself has been spray painted black and looks terrible. The wood looks to be near new.
Link Posted: 11/27/2010 10:01:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/28/2010 5:49:03 AM EDT
I'd pass on it for a couple of reasons:

1. I don't like that receiver too much.  They function fine, but there are better ones out there.  
2. The compliance parts will increase the price, to what an average or higher priced Polish UF is running currently.
3. Bubba may have screwed something up.

I'd wait and be patient.  They show up on the equipment exchange and on local sales frequently.  I found one on a local sale for a very good price.

Good luck.
Link Posted: 1/20/2011 11:54:58 AM EDT
A local gun store has a Polish underfolder that I am interested in, but would like some advice first. As stated, its a polish UF kit built on an ITM reciever. The kit that was used to build it looks to be either new or very near it, with the origional barrel. Problem is, its obviously a home-build. The rivets in the front trunion look like they were driven in by a railroad spike, and the rear trunion was installed using some type of screws. Plus, there is not one single compliant part on it. Anyways, I know if I buy this gun, it will definitly have to be rebuilt and the compliance parts added. The asking price is $599. Does this sound worth it to you guys? The reciever itself has been spray painted black and looks terrible. The wood looks to be near new.

Link Posted: 2/1/2011 6:28:29 PM EDT
pass. i found one at local shop that had same receiver for $499 and i passed. i had an amd on an ITM receiver and it sucked BAD. seemed to be improperly heat treated.
Link Posted: 2/1/2011 11:02:47 PM EDT
I did pass on it. I was in the same shop yesterday, and it was still there. For that price, it will probably be there for a long time! Thanks for the help, guys and gals!
Page AK-47 » Polish
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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