The powder coating is nice, and it's not as glossy as the first rifles were. It's a flat black mil-spec finish. The only thing better would be to double coat the rifle via parkerizing and then some sort of paint perhaps. I think this finish will work out fine for me though.
It's a Romanian AK-74 muzzle brake and threaded front sight base. Due to the 22.5 mm threads, it's legal for me to leave the brake unpinned or welded to my knowledge. I even have a copy of the BATF letter that's posted on Campybob has his rifle the same way, along with several others.
I'll list the prices per work done:
Powder Coat entire rifle (and I mean EVERYTHING): $75
Install Gordon Tech trigger: $40
Install new FSB and brake: $75
This is all you folks should have to get done on your rifles. This is where the pain comes in on my behalf for getting a lemon out of the batch of SARs that Century Arms shipped to AIM Surplus. Century would not stand behind their product either, especially for the scope rail. The scope rail was 55/1000 of an inch out of spec, so I got a Tantal MPK Russian rail. It works great, and my PSO-1 "V" locks on really tight.
Replace scope rail, weld holes, rerivet, etc.: $100
Realign gas block: $75
Install AK-74 handguard retainer: $25 (there's no wobble now, which is great).
These prices do not include the parts. You must buy your own, as I did.
What all this taught me was that if you want a nice gun, go all out and do it right the first time. This was my first AK, and I had no idea I was going to end up doing all of this, yet I was too hesistant to sell it. In retrospect, I would have
hand-picked a SAR-1 and had that made into an AKM. Next, I would build a Bulgarian kit like what Campy, RotDorn and those guys did.
Edited to add: Chris Butler himself told me that this by far was one of the worse SARs he has ever seen. It turned out quite nicely though, and it goes to show that if you have either the tools, time or money, you can make any AK into a very nice shooter. I think the Romanians make OK rifles per se, but it's something about Century Arms where they just don't put this crap together properly OR the factory that produces the receivers in Romania just doesn't give a s#$t about civilian sales. Here's pictures of REAL Romanian AKs, and you'll see that they appear to be well made compared to their American counterparts: crooked gas block here: