Not all pawn shops are rip-off's waiting to happen. I recently bought one in Northwest Arkansas and invite anyone to check out my prices. On used guns, I try to price them at auction prices plus a little wiggle room or very close. On a few they may be higher, depending on what we have in them. I don't think we have anything priced higher than retail on used guns. If a knowledgeable buyer can show me where I am too high, I will give fair consideration to their price/offer.
Yes, I do pay significantly less than retail price for the guns and then mark them up to around 75% of retail, but I would not stay in business long without a profit. Between building rent, insurance, labor, utilities etc. The first $9000 per month is spent before a dime of profit is seen.
By the way, I do transfers for $20 and I am happy to do them.