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Page AK-47 » Yugoslavian & Serbian
AK Sponsor: palmetto
Posted: 10/27/2010 10:54:21 AM EDT
Hello to all, I became hooked to site to start a new project after I sold my WASR to build a AR15, now that im done with the  AR build I think im coming back to the AK market. My question is Im about to purchase a Yugo M70AB2 form classic arms or local dealer but I keep getting different responses from different dealers. I have read that the receivers are 1.5 mil and some telling me its 1.0mil. Some are telling me its stamped some are telling me its milled. Ive also read that most CAI recivers used are NODAKSPUD receivers. Before ordering I just wanna get some straight info on this AK. Im in love with the M70 so what ever happens Im still picking one up, hell I already picked up some replacement wood handguards in the case the rifle comes with the plastic handguards. Any info you guys could send my way would be great.
Link Posted: 10/27/2010 11:38:12 AM EDT
You need to be careful because there are both 1.6mm and 1.0mm versions of Century M70AB2s out there.  Most recently the Century AB2s have been AB2 "T" models with the 1.0mm receivers.

The bulged front trunnion is a dead give away that you are dealing with a 1.6mm receiver.
Link Posted: 10/28/2010 8:02:48 AM EDT
Thanks Liquidmetal for the heads up, atleast now I'll be a little bit more educated on my selection. One more quick question when you say the recent CAI Yugo AB2  are "T" is that marking denoted on the receiver or just on the paper work of the receiver. I will also keeo an eye out for that bulged trunion. Thanks.

EDIT: Dont worry about that AB2 T question. I saw puctures of what you were talking about the bulged trunnion and a "slab side" trunnion. There is no way I would be able to confuse one for the other. Thanks! Time to go Yugo Shopping.
Page AK-47 » Yugoslavian & Serbian
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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