Why would you buy a Century, plus a barrel, then spend another 100 bucks + shipping and FFL crap down the road on it?. I'd suck it up now and buy quality from a reputable dealer.
I guess I don't understand what makes arsenal = quality and I don't see a value proposition.
I've read a few horror stories about issues with various Arsenal's, canted sites, parts that are hammered on looking and bent, and so forth.
I read the same thing about century rifles, however taking the chance on a $400 gun and on a $800 gun is very different. Perhaps the Arsenal issues were all in the past?
Since no one stocks Arsenal's in this area, I'm going to have to buy sight (and sights!) unseen.
The IAC at $550 (with lifetime warranty, before AR15.com discount) is starting to sound like the better choice for me.