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Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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Posted: 4/22/2007 7:05:04 PM EDT
I'm considering an AK pistol some time soon.  One concern is the small handguards and how AK's heat up quick.  A glove is one way to solve this but would be taking a 10" section of sling and placing it over top of the handguard and holding it like a forward grip be legal?  It's not permenant but would work as a foregrip.  I dont' want to go the AOW route.  I've seen pics of MAC pistols with a small nylon sling about 6" long to be used as a foregrip before.  Does this make it an AOW or not?

Link Posted: 4/22/2007 8:32:45 PM EDT
I might not answer all your questions but I'll try to as breifly as possible.
NO it wouldn't make it an AOW.
To avoid getting a hot hand or burning yourself is to install a wood (yes wood) handgaurds over the barrel, just cut down a standard set of handgaurds, wood absorbs heat very well and it would take a lot of shooting to get hot enough to become uncomfortable. And yes you can have a hand gaurd on a pistol (some states don't allow it but PA does), your not allowed to have a forward vertical grip (like a pistol grip).
A strap is allowed on front of the Macs because it's not a grip, it's a nylon strap.

I know you know most of this but someone else might find it useful and I already typed it all out.  
Page AK-47 » AK Discussions
AK Sponsor: palmetto
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